"The objective is clear. Build a safer, stronger Ward 3 and be a leader in the community you can count on. As your councillor, I will work hard representing you and will not stop advocating for a Uxbridge we can be proud of now, and in the future." Zed Pickering
Community Safety
Many of us who call Uxbridge home, came here or have chosen to stay to raise a family and be part of a community that values the peace of mind that comes with a safe neighbourhood. Ward 3 is a great place to live, but like anywhere, there is room for improvement and road safety is at the top of that list.
Zed has had ongoing conversations with members of Ward 3 and two of the concerns that continue to be brought up are speeding on Ward 3 roads and an increase in property theft. Let's work together to find solutions that will improve safety in Ward 3.
Downtown Revitalization
Just a portion of Uxbridgians live in the Township's downtown core, but the Downtown Revitalization project will have a major impact on the lives of all who call Uxbridge home. As a representative for Ward 3, Zed will bring to council the thoughts, ideas and concerns of the neighbours making up Ward 3.
Together, let's keep a focus on a downtown revitalization that benefits all residents.
Senior Voice
Zed believes in an Uxbridge that honours and respects the important contributions our seniors make. Our community must be one that values senior voices and the vital role they play in decision making. Older adult neighbours have helped create an Uxbridge we can be proud to call home. As Ward 3 councillor Zed will listen to concerns and ideas from all age groups, as we work together to build an even better community.
Announcements have been made about improvements coming to Uxbridge's Hospital and Medical Facilities. This is great news. It is long overdue and it is time to get shovels in the ground for our healthcare professionals and residents as soon as possible. As a councillor, Zed will do everything possible to keep the pending projects on track. Better healthcare cannot wait any longer.
A town becomes a community when all of its members feel they have a say in local matters and a place at the proverbial table. Zed Pickering is a homegrown social advocate; standing up for equal opportunities for all people who call Uxbridge home. No matter your age, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, Zed will work hard to make you feel included and heard. Zed co-founded the Uxbridge Anti-Racism Coalition, an organization that works to dismantle race-based hate. He also sits on the Durham Region Anti-Racism Taskforce, an initiative developed by the Region to address inequality for marginalized groups.
Lived experience and the experience gained from involvement with these two organizations have made Zed an empathetic ally for all those seeking equality.
The stakes are high. We have already begun to see the effects of climate change in an impactful way. As a Township, we have an opportunity to include more environmental considerations in every new initiative. We owe it to our children, grandchildren and those who have worked hard to protect Uxbridge and the green spaces we enjoy today. As a councillor, Zed will provide a new voice on sustainability and environmental accountability.